Posted on 12-15-2013


  • The monthly Board of Trustees meeting was held in the Clubhouse at 7:00pm on December 17, 2013.
  • Finance: This is the 5th month of the FY2014 and the expenditures are below the budgeted income for the period. Several old past due accounts were paid off by residents reducing the number and amount of past receivables. In general, the receipts and disbursements are well within normal expectations.
  • Clubhouse Improvements:
    • The Board approved new lights for the Clubhouse Parking lot as the current lights cannot be repaired. The new lights are the more efficient, longer lasting LEDs that are less expensive to run. They will improve the parking lot lighting.
    • Ceiling mounts for the video projection system are being installed so the movies, and videos can be shown in the Garden Room and Community Room. The equipment is able to be rented out for parties and events in the two rooms.
    • In the course of tuck-pointing the Clubhouse, more deterioration in the corner beams has been discovered and these beams will be rebuilt over the next year. These will be added to the items in the Reserve Study for review again in the future.
  • ACCES: The committee reviewed a number of applications, and work in progress, approving some, some with provisos and not others for lack of adherence to the ACCES regulations, or for insufficient workmanship.
  • Recreation: The Recreation Committee reported on the Christmas Party which was attended by more residents than previous years. More “dive-In” movies are scheduled for the December Holidays. The complete list of parties and events sponsored by the Recreation Committee will be posted on the website and in the GV News.
  • Landscape: The Landscape Committee is sponsoring a free lecture on Organic Lawn Care on Wednesday, February 19 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM in the Clubhouse Community Room.
  • Website: The Website Committee has found a volunteer to be a Content Writer for the GVCA Website. The committee will be working hard to improve the website in 2014 by migrating it to a new software platform and adding new features for residents.