COVID-19 Pool Rules – Please Read

Posted on 05-23-2020

Dear Greenwood Residents, the outdoor pool is opening Tuesday, May 26, 2020, and we cannot wait to see you again. However, because of the COVID-19 virus, we have to implement many changes to how the pool will operate this year. We are counting on your help and cooperation in order to meet the State of… Read more »

Update 4/28/2020 – Canyon View Water Project

Posted on 04-28-2020

Dear Residents, for your safety, and to help speed construction along Canyon View Road, Please do not bike, walk, or drive through the active construction area if you can in any way avoid it. Please, Go the other way around. The machinery operators may not see you, which could result in your injury, or if… Read more »

Update: Canyon View Road Water Main Replacement Starts March 30

Posted on 03-26-2020

The Township of Sagamore Hills and the North Hills Water District asked that Greenwood share the following notice: Canyon View Road Water Main Replacement March 10, 2020 To the Residents of Canyon View Road and Greenwood Village: Starting on or about March 23rd, the NHWD will begin replacement of the water main on Canyon View… Read more »

Mardi Gras Kickoff Party!

Posted on 02-20-2020

It’s almost here! We still have some tickets available, drop your flyer off with your check at the GVCA Office. Click here for the link to the flyer/sign-up sheet with all the details. We’ll have Beads and Masks, Shrimp and Sausage Gumbo, Cajun Chicken Pasta, Red Beans and Rice, bread pudding and more…Sweet Tea and… Read more »

February Events

Posted on 01-31-2020

We have a lot of fun planned this month:Monday, Feb. 9 at 7:30 pm is the “Snow” Full Moon Hike,Monday, Feb. 17 at noon is the Midwinter Pool Party, andFriday, Feb. 21 is the Mardi Gras Kickoff Party. Check the newsletter online or in your mailbox for more details, and be sure to sign-up for… Read more »

Holiday Cocktail Party Update

Posted on 12-5-2019

The party is this Friday, 12/6, and over 100 people have signed up! Don’t miss this special evening of dancing and dining, with a nip or two of holiday spirit. Sign up now at the GVCA Office, so we can have your name tag printed and ready for you at the door. Click the sign-up… Read more »

December Newsletter is Posted

Posted on 11-27-2019

Would you like to see the newsletter in color and read it online? Greenwood’s December 2019 is posted, along with past newsletters, under the “Newsletters” link under the “Calendar” tab on the main menu bar. Check out the activities we have planned for 2020 by just clicking here

Greenwood Village Holiday Party Dec. 6

Posted on 11-5-2019

At 7 pm, follow the lighted path to the Greenwood Village clubhouse and enjoy a warm night with friends and neighbors as you dance the night away at the annual Greenwood Holiday Cocktail Party. Sign up early and remember to save the date on your calendar!

Candidates Night is 7:30 pm, Thursday, October 3

Posted on 09-30-2019

The newsletter is posted online. Click to see the Candidates Night Flyer on the back page. This will be a great opportunity to meet the local candidates, hear what they have to say, and ask them questions. Refreshments will be provided.