Community Links Phone Numbers
Bureau of Motor Vehicles 330-468-1155
Cuyahoga Valley National Park 330-657-2752
Dog Warden (Animal Control) 330-643-2845
Dominion Energy Ohio 800-362-7557
Election Questions 800-443-VOTE
National Poison Control 800-222-1222
Nordonia Hills Schools 330-467-0580
Northfield Post Office 330-467-1076
Power Outages – First Energy 888-544-4877
Sagamore Hills Fire 330-468-1234
Sagamore Hills Township 330-467-0900
Sagamore Hills Police 330-468-3515
Sagamore Hills Water 330-468-0198
Sanitary Sewers (D.O.S.S.S.) 300-926-2400
Spectrum – Cable 877-463-0677
Northfield Title Bureau 330-467-7333
Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles 614-752-7500
Summit County Metropark 330-867-5511
Windstream – Phone 888-660-1601

See also the “Nearby Attractions” page for more information.

The streets within Greenwood (excluding the streets within a condominium association) are dedicated Sagamore Hills Township roads. Items pertaining to these streets (road kill, snow removal, repair, debris, etc.) should be referred to the Service Center at (330) 467-0900. Safety items or concerns should be referred to the police at (330) 468-0900. Emergencies are “911.”

Police: Any resident who is on 24 hour oxygen should notify the police so they can assist you during a power outage.
Licenses: When you go to get your tags or plates – use Sagamore Hills Township as your residence so your Township can get the License Tax Credit. Using Northfield will benefit Northfield, not your Township.
Deer: Report deer carcasses to the Township or the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. The CVNP address is 15610 Vaughn Road, Brecksville, Ohio 44141. For 24 hour dispatch call (440) 546-5962, Direct (330) 657-2794. GVCA does not remove deer carcasses or road kill.

Updated 1/11/2024