Greenwood Village Community Association Committees
The community association committees are composed of members of the Board of Trustees as well as residents of the Greenwood Village community. The President of the Board appoints all the Committee Chairs and they select their committee members. Committee Chairs must be GVCA trustees.
If you are interested in serving on a committee, contact the GVCA office for more information.
Executive Committee (Required)
Such officers and other members of the Board of Trustees as may be designated by the President with the approval of the Board of Trustees shall constitute an Executive Committee. Unless otherwise determined by the Board of Trustees, the President shall be Chairman of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall act only in the intervals between meetings of the Board of Trustees and shall, except to the extent otherwise determined by the Board of Trustees, have all authority of the Board of Trustees except the authority to fill vacancies in the Board of Trustees. Subject to the aforesaid exceptions, any person dealing with the Association shall be entitled to rely upon any act or authorization of an act by the Executive Committee to the same extent as an act or authorization of the Board of Trustees. The Executive Committee shall keep full and complete records of all meetings and actions, which shall be reported to and open to inspection by the Board of Trustees. Unless otherwise ordered by the Board of Trustees, the Executive Committee may prescribe its own rules for calling and holding meetings, and prescribe its own method of procedure, and may act at a meeting by a majority of its members or without a meeting by a writing or writings signed by all of its members.
Nominating Committee (Required)
The Nominating Committee shall consist of three (3) members of the Board of Trustees, who shall be elected at the annual meeting of Members from a slate prepared by the retiring Nominating Committee. Unless otherwise determined by the Board of Trustees, at least one member of the slate prepared by the retiring Nominating Committee shall be a member of such retiring Committee. The Chairman of the Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President from among the three (3) elected Committee Members subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees. The Nominating Committee shall present (a) at each annual meeting of Members, a list of candidates for election to the Board of Trustees to succeed those Trustees whose terms of office as such expire in such year; and (b) at each annual organization meeting of the Board of Trustees, a list of candidates for election as officers of the Association. In addition, the Nominating Committee shall present to the Board of Trustees at such times as may be required nominations to fill vacancies in the Board of Trustees, in the Nominating Committee, and among the officers.
The GVCA Board of Trustees, consisting of 23 persons, is charged with the oversight of the physical and financial well being of Greenwood Village. The Board establishes policy and regulations to preserve the integrity of the housing stock, common facilities and Common Open Space in Greenwood Village.
While the Board member representation is drawn from the 18 condominium associations and the single-family homeowners, the Board holds fiduciary responsibility for the whole of Greenwood Village. Trustees serve 2-year terms. Annually, one half of the seats on the board are open for election. The Nominating Committee solicits candidates from associations and residents of Greenwood Village beginning in April. Ballots are mailed to each household and the results are announced at the GVCA Annual Meeting in June.
Among the desired qualities and skill sets of persons to serve on the Board are experience in: communications, finance, information technology, customer service, law, construction, business, the environment, and education. Board members are expected to collaborate with others and contribute time and expertise to the GVCA Board, participate in a committee, work on a special projects or special events such as the Annual Trout Derby and other GVCA activities.
If you are interested in serving as a trustee on the GVCA Board, contact your condominium association or the Nominating Committee via the GVCA Office.
If you are interested in serving on one of the Committees, or to share some of your expertise with the GVCA Board, contact the Committee Chair or the GVCA Office to discuss your interests.
Architectural Control Committee for Existing Structures (ACCES) (Required)
The Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions names the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) as the committee charged with determining and enforcing the architectural rules for Greenwood Village.
The ACCES Committee is comprised of Greenwood residents who volunteer their time and energy to help preserve the beauty of Greenwood Village and the property values of all residents. All changes, additions, improvements, landscaping, etc., to the outside of a existing home or condominium unit must be approved by the ACCES before the project is begun. Home businesses must also be approved.
Request for ACCES Approval forms are available on this website and at the GVCA office. This committee meets on the first Tuesday of each month. Requests must be submitted one week prior to the meeting. See the ACCES Rules for more information.
Optional Committees
Other Committees may be formed or disbanded as needed. Some of the other committees the Board has formed when needed are listed below:
Bridge Committee
The Bridge Committee was formed to collaborate with the Cuyahoga Valley National Park about the Carriage Trail Bridges. These bridges were deemed to be unsafe and are closed. The bridges are a part of the walking trails adjacent to Greenwood Village in the CVNP and are used by many Greenwood residents.
The committee is focused on the matter of bridge replacement and the maintenance of trails that connect Greenwood Village trails to CVNP trails.
Cable Committee
The purpose of the Cable Committee is to work with the cable provider (Time-Warner) to insure that Greenwood Village is receiving appropriate compensation for the number of GV residential users of Time-Warner Cable services – cable TV, Internet users, and Telephone. The compensation is based on an agreement between Greenwood Village and prior cable providers. The remuneration from TWC enables the GVCA Board to manage inflationary costs associated with the operating costs of Greenwood Village.
Finance Committee
The GVCA Treasurer is the chair of the Finance Committee, and members are appointed by the Treasurer to prepare the budgets, review the current expenses, and recommend fee levels needed to cover operations and major projects, and to adequately fund reserves. The Finance Committee works closely with the Long Range Planning Committee to establish long term financial plans and goals for GVCA.
Garden Committee
The Garden Committee governs the organization and operation of a community garden, previously established with volunteers and initial funding by the Board. The Greenwood Garden is located in the area under the high-tension power lines near Canyon View Road. Garden plots are available for a fee each year.
The Committee’s focus includes:
- Providing a point of contact between gardeners and the GVCA Board.
- Planning for the ongoing needs of a viable Greenwood garden.
- Organizing volunteers to perform annual maintenance chores and keep the appearance of the garden a credit to Greenwood and our adjacent Greenwood neighbors.
- Establishing rules for the use of the garden and setting fees for use.
- Communicating any garden issues to all gardeners.
Landscape Committee
The Landscape Committee is focused on the preservation and enhancement of the natural areas (Common Area) of Greenwood Village and on maintaining a balance between these areas and the more manicured public areas – the Clubhouse, Marshall Lake, the Barn, the outdoor pool as well as the entrances and median strips of the public streets.
The Committee reviews the landscaping of public common areas, entrances and median strips, assists in the selection of plants and trees, performs periodic maintenance chores, reviews landscape contracts, and advises the Board on matters of landscaping.
The Committee is also responsible for approval of changes to the common areas, be it removal of dangerous trees, enforcement of rules against clearing, encroaching, or dumping on the common areas, or planning new landscaping or trails for the common areas.
Long Range Planning Committee
The GVCA President is the chair of the Long Range Planning Committee. Other members are past presidents of GVCA, as well as other GVCA past and present trustees, if needed. The Long Range Planning Committee develops a five-year plan for major projects, which the Finance Committee uses in preparing the yearly budget and long range budgets.
Pool Committee
The Pool Committee was established to develop and periodically review rules and standards regarding resident usage of the indoor and outdoor pools and to assure that such rules are in keeping with state and national mandates, safety and best practices.
Recreation Committee
Members are appointed by the GVCA Board of Trustees to plan and implement events for the enjoyment of Greenwood residents. The events vary each year and include: the Trout Derby in May, Pool Parties in the summer, a clambake, movies by the pool, and the Holiday Party in December. The Recreation Committee is always looking for resident volunteers who have good ideas and energy to help make these events a success. Contact the GVCA office if you would like to help.
Website Committee
The purpose of the GV Website is to provide easily accessible information on GV to all the residents of Greenwood Village. Such information include basic information about Greenwood Village such as its history, current activities, GVCA Board & committee actions, facilities, governing instruments and regulations, forms and applications, classifieds and frequently asked questions and answers.
The website will be updated monthly with news about the work of the Board and its committees as well as current and future activities. The goals are: (a) to provide timely information in electronic format to GV residents (most of whom have computers and internet access), (b) to effect cost savings in printing of documents, (c) to easily update and maintain information needed by GV members, and (d) enhance the operational efficiencies of GVCA.
Survey findings show that 78% of Greenwood residents have a computer and use email. The results suggest that the Greenwood Village website can be a vital source of information for residents.
(Revised August 9, 2016)