Newsletter Posted and GVCA Fee Past Due

Posted on 07-3-2023

Reminder, Pool closes at 8:00 pm July 4. The July Newsletter has a summary of the Annual Owners Meeting, and infomation on upcoming fun events, such as the Dive-in Movie Friday, July 7, and the Summer Party Saturday, July 22. The GVCA Semi-annual Fee was due July 1. If not paid by July 15, a… Read more »

June Newsletter Posted & July Bills Mailed

Posted on 05-30-2023

The color version of the June Newsletter is posted on the website, and the black and white paper version has been mailed to Greenwood Owners, along with the bill for their semi-annual GVCA assessment, which is due July 1. For owners with no outstanding balance, they have until July 15 to pay without penalty, but… Read more »

Spring Break at the Pool, April Newsletter

Posted on 04-3-2023

April 3-6, 2023, Mon. – Thur., Enjoy Spring Break at the Pool from 1-3 pm! Paint pool windows and enjoy popcorn & snacks while watching fun movies. Bring a movie to share! The GVCA Office is closed Saturday 4/8/23 and Pool will be closed Easter Sunday 4/9/23. Sign up for the Trout Derby & Cinco… Read more »

March Newsletter is mailed, sign up now!

Posted on 03-2-2023

The March Newsletter is posted with Sign-up Forms for all our fun upcoming events, such as the GVCA Easter Egg Hunt, Trout Derby, and Cinco de Mayo Party. And don’t wait to sign up for the GVCA Flower Basket Sale, last year we sold out! Check your mailbox for the March Newsletter, they were mailed… Read more »

Newsletter posted, Sign up for Mardi Gras!

Posted on 02-2-2023

Happy Groundhog Day, looks like 6 more weeks of winter!  The February newsletter is posted, with a list of all the events for the year, including the Greenwood’s Mardi Gras party on Friday, the 17th.  The caterer needs an estimate of how many people are attending by Friday, February 10th.  Please let us know you… Read more »

Happy 2023, the January Newsletter is Posted

Posted on 01-1-2023

Happy New Year, the January newsletter is posted, with a list of all the events for the year, including the sign-up form for Greenwood’s Mardi Gras party. Don’t forget your semi-annual assessment of $247 was due January 1. Thank you to all the people who already paid. If you have not yet sent in your… Read more »

The October Newsletter is Posted!

Posted on 09-29-2022

The October 2022 Newsletter is now posted with all the events for the rest of the year. Don’t forget Candidates Night on Thursday October 6, and to sign up for the Clambake October 21! Thursday, October 27, help us decorate the Haunted Clubhouse, then pass out candy and enjoy the spooky party on Friday night, October 28!… Read more »

October Newsletter is Posted and Mailed

Posted on 09-30-2021

We didn’t want anyone to miss out on all the fun activities we have planned for the rest of the year, so we are mailing the newsletter this month, but only online is it in color! Check out the latest on the Candidates Night, Bonfire by the Lake, Oktoberfest, Haunted Clubhouse Setup and Party,and Holiday… Read more »

Happy New Year! Greenwood’s 50th!

Posted on 12-31-2019

Welcome to 2020, Greenwood’s Semi-Centennial Year! The founders of Greenwood had the vision fifty years ago to turn the Marshall Farm Estate into the first Planned Unit Development in Ohio. With 2020 hindsight we can see their vision has become the beautiful community of Greenwood Village. Please join us in celebrating Greenwood’s Golden Anniversary all… Read more »