GVCA is sponsoring 3 events in August including Dive-in-Movies (How to Train Your Dragon), the annual Perseid meteor shower pool party and the End of the season pool party.
Greenwood Shuffle Board Group
Shuffle Board is well on its way and everyone is enjoying themselves. We have ten teams and the competition is fierce. Stop by and cheer for your favorite team. It has been a good way to meet new people and enjoy the rest of the summer. Look for the playoffs in September.
September Events
September features the first Fireside Movie Party along side Marshall Lake. Details will be posted on the website, facebook and the newsletter.
Post Your Ads on the Greenwood Website
No longer do you have to drop your “home for sale” or other ads off at the office, you now can post your ad right on the website with expanded content and photographs!
First Energy Spraying
First Energy is spraying to kill the trees and shrubs growing under the high tension power lines along the Hike and Bike path, starting near E. Pleasant Valley Rd. and moving south to Timbercreek Rd. They are using the EPA approved herbicide “PATHWAY”. The work will occur anytime after July 21 and should take about… Read more »
Aug 12 (Tue) Late Night Swim/Meteor Shower
Tuesday, August 12 The Perseid Meteor Shower is tonight!!! The weather report is clear skies right after sunset! Come up to the pool for a late night swim in the moonlight, and see if you can spot the shooting stars as they zip across the sky. The Pool will be open until 11:00 pm, weather… Read more »
6/23/2014 GVCA Annual Meeting
The GVCA Annual Meeting is Monday, June 23, 2014, at 7:30 pm in the Community Room. Please plan to attend and bring your ballot. Refreshments will be served.
Semi-Annual Fee Increase
The GVCA Board of Trustees has increased the semi-annual fee $3 a half or $6 a year starting in July. The amount of the new semi-annual fee, due July 1, will be $207. The billing will go out in early June, and residents with no prior balance on their account have until July 30 to… Read more »
May 24: Outdoor pool opens
Outdoor pool opens for the season
May 23: Last day for indoor pool
May 23 is the last day the indoor pool will be open.