We’ve heard of payments being lost because they are not sent properly. DO NOT put your payment in GVCA’s brown mailbox – it is against Federal law, do not drop in the blue mailbox without a stamp, and do not hand your payment to GVCA employees or board members.
GVCA accepts electronic payments sent by your bill paying system, as well as checks and money orders. Do not send cash. Here are the proper ways to deliver your semi-annual payment* to the GVCA Office:
- Seal the top section of your bill and your payment in the return envelope, add a stamp, and drop in any blue USPS mailbox.
- Seal the top section of your bill and your payment in the return envelope, then drop through the slot in the GVCA Office door or in the drop box by the outside door. If you do not want to use the outside box, you can check the Office Hours for when the front door is unlocked. The GVCA Office is closed Sunday and Monday.
- Set up your payment in your personal electronic bill paying system, made Payable to “GVCA” at 830 Village Club Road, Sagamore Hills OH 44067, include your account number (located on the top right of your bill), and set the payment date to June 30 to ensure it is delivered by July 1. You can set your payment to repeat once in 6 months, as the second amount due is always the same as the July amount. Set the second payment date to December 31, to ensure it is delivered by January 1.
- If you come to the GVCA Office during open office hours, Do Not hand your payment to any of the employees or leave on a desk. Your payment still goes through the slot in the door. There is a basket on the inside of the door to catch the envelopes, that is the only place to leave your payment.
Thank you for your timely payment, and don’t forget to check your home’s guest pass expiration dates on your bill. See the instructions on your bill to buy or extend your home’s guest passes. (Your individual activity pass does not expire.)
*If you have no outstanding balance, your payment for July 1, 2023, is $252.