Posted on 05-15-2012

Board Meeting Notes May 2012

  • New – GVCA Enforcement Procedure
    The new GVCA Enforcement Procedure, developed by the Board in concert with GVCA Counsel, Kaman & Cusimano, is a process of problem resolution for violations of the Declarations, Bylaws, or Rules (e.g. ACCES rules) by the owner, guests and/or, occupants (including tenants, if any), of any unit. The process includes written notices, fines, legal remedies, legal costs and property liens. Involved parties have the right to contest proposed violations in a hearing before the board.
  • Finance Committee
    • Time Warner Cable has paid up all past due cable fees and is current in its obligations. The Board voted to put the past due funds received from TWC into the Reserve Fund. This enables the Board to meet the target amounts for the Reserve Funds earlier than projected and to reduce the amount of the annual fee increase for FY 2013 to $10.00 per year ($5.00 per half).
    • The Board approved the FY 2013 budget of $828,436.The budget includes the continuing repairs and maintenance on the Clubhouse, the Pools, Common Areas Landscape, snow removal, utilities, and administrative and personnel operating costs. The Board also approved the lowering the FY2013 fee increase from $14.00 to $10.00. Semi-annual fees for 2013 for all units will be $196.00 per half year.
  • Clubhouse Improvement
    Work continues on the Clubhouse to eliminate water seepage, preserve the structural integrity of the building, installing new doors where needed and replacing stall dividers in the Women’s and Men’s Locker Rooms. Required maintenance is being performed on the outdoor pool in anticipation of opening of the Outdoor Pool on May 26.
  • Ad Hoc Committee on Retractable Awnings
    The Board of Trustees again reviewed the Report of the Ad hoc Committee on Retractable Awnings in Greenwood Village and after considerable discussion voted to approve the use of retractable awnings in Greenwood Village. The ACCES Committee received recommendations from the Ad hoc Committee for retractable awning standards and requirements, will review these and develop a set of requirements that are approved by the Board before applications can be received for action. As with other required ACCES actions, residents must make applications and meet all the requirements before proceeding to hire a company to do any work.
  • ACCESS Committee
    ACCES reported the results of their reviews of applications from 13 unit owners, and discussed 6 additional violations with action to be taken. The items before the committee included new windows and doors, deck renovation and extension, satellite dishes, radon mitigation, lighting, signage and tree removal. Some residents continue to proceed on their projects before seeking approval.
  • Recreation Committee
    The Recreation Committee reported dates for the Summer Swim Parties are June 9, June 30 and August 11. The annual Summer Party will be held on July 14. Details to follow – watch this site for more information!
  • Landscape Committee
    The Landscape Committee reported on work done at several locations to clean up areas, and the planting of trees some of which were donated to Greenwood Village.
  • Garden Committee
    The Garden Committee reported that all the Garden plots were filled by avid gardners who were busy planting and preparing their beds for plants of all kinds.
  • Website Committee
    The Website Committee reported that since March 1 when the website went live to April 24, there were 822 visitors to the new Greenwood Village website. The busiest pages were about the pool, the clubhouse, FAQ’s, housing for sale, the trails, the lake, GVCA, condominium associations, ACCES, the declarations and regulations. New additions to the website includes a listing with links to over 45 recreation, sports , theater and music venues that are within a 30 minute drive from Greenwood Village. In the next several weeks, one of the Committee members will be taking pictures of the different styles of housing units in Greenwood to feature on pages related to housing.Give the website committee some feedback about the website – what would you like to see on the site? Send your feedback to:[email protected]
  • Nominating Committe
    The Nominating Committee presented a ballot for the election of Trustees and it was approved for mailing to all residents in advance of the GVCA Annual Meeting on Monday June 25, 2012 at 7:30 PM.