Posted on 05-29-2014


  • Finance:
    The April Finance Committee report was unremarkable – revenue and expenses were well within acceptable parameters and they are expected to be in line by the end of the fiscal year June 30. A proposed budget for FY 2015 was discussed in terms of the expected expenses as proposed by the committee chairs and the finance committee and the Reserve Study for expected capital expenditures. Expected capital repairs are projected at $59,000 which is below the repair costs for 2014. The semi-annual fee increase was also discussed as $6.00 annually ($3.00 each half). It was noted that this amount is less than what the Reserve Study had recommended for 2015. GVCA is on track with the projected reserves delineated in the Reserve Study and another study will be conducted in 2016 to assess any changes in conditions and capital needs. The FY 2015 Budget was approved unanimously.
  • Clubhouse Improvements:
    Repairs continue on the beams, some electrical work, and getting the outdoor pool ready for the summer season. Pool cracks and tiles were repaired, and lane stripes re-painted. A new pool heater is being installed. A fence that meets code is prepared for set-up indoors when the outdoor pool season commences and can be used for the outdoor pool when events require it.
  • ACCES:
    The Committee reported on several applications and their action in regard to them. The Committee is also working on an integration of newer ACCES regulations (Retractable awnings, generators, etc.) with the current set and updating them for distribution to residents and insertion on the website in an improved format. The rules on the website are current.
  • GARDEN Committee:
    The Garden is completely roto-tilled and Gardeners are busily readying their plots for planting. In the planning stages are an improved use agreement related to liability concerns for the 2016 planting season. A mower was stolen from the Garden and a private vehicle parked overnight at the Garden was damaged by vandals. Anyone having information about either item should contact the GVCA office or Sagamore Hills Police Dept.
  • LANDSCAPE Committee:
    This year some of the mulch spread in Greenwood Village was purchased through “Mulch Madness” a fund raising event conducted by the Nordonia School Boosters. About 100 students (athletes) volunteers and adult supervisors were in Greenwood spreading 100 yards of mulch. The program provides support for uniforms, and athletic events in the Nordonia schools. The student volunteers worked all day on May 17 spreading mulch. Residents are invited to the next meeting of the Landscape Committee on Tuesday, June 3, at 7:00 PM in the Clubhouse. Nominating Committee: The ballot is being prepared for the Annual Meeting on Monday, June 23 in the Clubhouse.
  • RECREATION Committee:
    The Trout Derby on May 3 was a huge success with over 190 participants who caught trout, bass and catfish – all in bad weather. The fish were biting, the hot dog grill was cooking and many children and adults were happy with their catches. In the evening, Cinco de Mayo was attended by over 90 persons who enjoyed an evening of music, dancing and piñata smashing for chocolate. The opening of the outdoor pool will feature hot dogs on the grill and music. In the event of cooler than expected weather, the indoor pool may also be open for use. On June 7, the “Dive-In” movie feature will be “Titanic” and on June 21 there will be a “late night swim” party.
  • WEBSITE Committee:
    The new and updated website is planned to go live on June 1. Residents will receive some information about the new site in early summer. All Condo Associations are invited to have a page on the site for their notices, and other information. Other features such as an email alert program and more interactivity between residents and the GVCA office is in the works.