The outdoor pool is now open! Update 6/7/2020: The new pump arrived on Saturday around noon. However, we could not find a company to install it, so the GVCA Manager, Scott Klement, did the work. A big thank you to Waterco for getting us the pump so quickly, to Head of Maintenance Wayne, who knew… Read more »
6/5/2020 1:30 pm update: The part arrived and was installed Thursday. Unfortunately the pump motor was also burned out, so the rest of Thursday we worked to find the fastest solution, replacing the motor or ordering a new pump. We ordered the new pump today. If it ships as hoped, it should arrive Saturday. We… Read more »
Water aerobics will resume Wednesday, May 25th. There will be no Thursday evening water aerobics class. Classes will be held from 9:00 AM to 9:45 AM on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Workout equipment will be disinfected before and after each class by GVCA staff. Lap lanes will be removed from the pool during open swim… Read more »
As we all work together learning how best to deal with our current situation, there will be no movies or events in the month of June, until more time is available to review how best to work with the ever-changing information on what is best practices. We know you are eager to come swim, but… Read more »
Dear Greenwood Residents, the outdoor pool is opening Tuesday, May 26, 2020, and we cannot wait to see you again. However, because of the COVID-19 virus, we have to implement many changes to how the pool will operate this year. We are counting on your help and cooperation in order to meet the State of… Read more »

Yes, the rumor is true, per the governor’s rules, the outdoor pool may open Tuesday, May 26!
While filling up the new water main today a valve was mistakenly left closed, which allowed air to get into the bypass line, and into the resident’s water lines. Residents from Juniper Hill to Greenwood Parkway should let their water run until their water is clear, which will get all the air out of the… Read more »
The Canyon View Water Project is going well, but the contractor will need to shut off the water to Oak Knolls for a few hours on Thursday. The exact time is unknown, as it depends on how the project progresses. Oak Knolls residents should have a printed notice from the contractor, this website post is… Read more »

5/6/2020 Update – All the baskets have been delivered, thank you for all the orders, we sold 215 baskets!!! Good things come to those who wait, and it may be that way with the baskets; with the cold spring and early Mother’s Day, many of the baskets are not yet in full bloom. Speaking of… Read more »
Dear Residents, for your safety, and to help speed construction along Canyon View Road, Please do not bike, walk, or drive through the active construction area if you can in any way avoid it. Please, Go the other way around. The machinery operators may not see you, which could result in your injury, or if… Read more »