No longer do you have to drop your “home for sale” or other ads off at the office, you now can post your ad right on the website!
- Your ad can be much longer (850 characters).
- You can post up to 4 photos with your ad.
- Website ads display for 3 months. If they are not renewed they will be automatically deleted. Residents can edit or delete ads at any time.
- No waiting for the next newsletter, your ad can start working now! (GVCA reviews ads before they go live, to ensure nothing inappropriate is posted.)
- Your ad will automatically appear in the next newsletter, but edited down to 4 lines (no photos).
- Ads that are submitted directly to office do not automatically appear on the website. Residents must post them on the website themselves.
Click here to view instructions for posting ads on the website.
Enter your ad on the website now so it can appear in the next newsletter.