Posted on 07-12-2019

Dear Greenwood Residents,

I would like to thank all residents who attended the GVCA Annual Meeting on Monday evening, June 24, 2019, and the Greenwood at 50 slideshow review before the meeting.

The annual meeting showcased the work being performed inside the clubhouse and throughout Greenwood Village.  Great job to our entire staff!

Welcome to our new FY2020 GVCA Board of Trustees.

At the July GVCA meeting we did have one change, Jim Stilson replaced Jim Codney as the trustee from Arboretum. Thank you Jim Codney for your years of service to Greenwood, and for your hard work as GVCA’s liaison with Sagamore Hills Township.

Details of the 2019 Annual Meeting slide presentation shown at the meeting can be seen here: GVCA Annual Meeting 2019

Our Annual Summer Party is a great opportunity to meet your neighbors and make new friends.  Bring a covered dish and protein on Saturday, July 20, at 7 pm and dance or swim the night away. (Summer Party Flyer)

Don’t forget semi-annual fees of $232 are due by July 1.  Starting July 15, late fees will be accessed so pay early to avoid the last minute fees.

I look forward to serving another term as your president. Please do not hesitate* to reach out to me at 330-655-5566 or e-mail [email protected] with your questions and ideas.

Best wishes,


Scott Gale, GVCA President