GVCA Board of Trustees

Trustees* are residents elected by all the property owners in Greenwood to govern the GVCA as representatives of all the residents within Greenwood Village. Trustees enforce the legal documents and make decisions based on the interests of the entire community, not individual owners or condominium associations. As volunteers, they are not compensated for this service. Elections are held every June at the GVCA annual meeting. Each Trustee serves for 2 years, so only half the Trustees are on the ballot each year. The GVCA Board of Trustees meet the third Tuesday of every month. 

GVCA Officers June 2024 – June 2025

President: John Cyr
Vice-President: Susan Miller
Treasurer: Doug Powers
Secretary: Sharon Bowlus

GVCA Board of Trustees June 2024 – June 2025

Association Trustee Term
Arboretum Beth Dingle 2023-2025
Canyon Estates Betty Roth 2023-2025
Condo 1 Sharon Bowlus 2023-2025
Condo 2 Nadine Roszko** 2024-2025
Condo 3 Genevieve Vince** 2024-2025
Condo 4 Bob Radl 2024-2026
Condo 5 Ottolee Umbaugh 2023-2025
Greenwood Highlands Susan Miller 2024-2026
Hamptons Daniel McKee 2023-2025
Hemlock Ridge John Cyr 2024-2026
Ironwood Trail Lynn Doskocil 2024-2026
Juniper Hill Caroline Wolske 2024-2026
Oak Knolls John Soberay 2023-2025
Portage Path Joan Stewart 2024-2026
Single Homes Douglas Powers 2024-2026
Single Homes Jon Klement 2023-2025
Single Homes Leslie Neet 2024-2026
Tymber Skän Ruth Golladay 2023-2025
Village @ Greenwood Thomas Kemery 2023-2025
Village Club Paula McQueen 2024-2026
Williamsburg Chris Burgess** 2023-2025
At-Large Trustees Kathy Hinding 2024-2026
At-Large Trustees James Simler 2023-2025
** Trustee appointed until next annual election.

Nominating Committee 2024-2025

Chair: Susan Miller
Member: Sharon Bowlus
Member: Kathy Hinding

Trustee Selection
Trustees are unpaid volunteers from the condominium associations, apartments and single-family homes within Greenwood. Condominium or Williamsburg residents interested in becoming a Board member can express their interest to their condominium association or management company.  Residents of single family homes and potential members-at-large can express their interest directly to the GVCA Nominating Committee Chair.   Residents interested in participating in one of the Board Committees can express their interest to that Committee Chair.  Contact the Committee Chairs via the GVCA Office.

Trustees bring a variety of important skills to the task of governance – finance and accounting, planning, law, organizational management, communications, information technology, human resources, horticulture and woodland conservation, recreation, engineering, and housing and commercial building maintenance – as well as their professional work experiences to the work of the GVCA. This ensures the interests of all owners are represented and provides a diversity of opinions.

While the Trustees come from the eighteen associations of Greenwood and the single-family homes, their responsibility is to act in the interest of the residents of all 1,508 Greenwood Village housing units.

Bringing an Issue to the Board.
If you have a concern you would like the Board to address, first check with the GVCA Office. The GVCA Office can often resolve your concern in a more timely manner, or guide you to the appropriate Association or GVCA Committee. For concerns that need to go to the Board, the best solution is to document your concern in a letter. You can also attend the annual meeting, or one of the monthly meetings, or the meeting of the particular committee responsible for your area of concern.

The Board of Trustees* is currently limited to 23 members.  The Trustees of the GVCA Board serve a two-year term, beginning at the Election of Officers Meeting immediately after the annual GVCA Board meeting when they were elected. The annual GVCA Owners meeting is held every June in the Community Room of the clubhouse. Annual ballots are mailed to all property owners in Greenwood before the meeting.

The Nominating Committee places the nominated Trustees on the ballot and presents it to the Board, who approves it for mailing to the property owners. Property owners can either mail back their ballots or bring them to the annual meeting. There is no provision for voting by proxy.

Board Officers are elected annually.  The Trustees elect the Board Officers at the GVCA Election of Officers meeting following the Annual meeting. The monthly GVCA Board meetings are held in the Garden Room of the Village Club at 7:00 pm on the third Tuesday.

The President appoints all the Committee Chairs, and they appoint their Committee members, with the exception of the Nominating Commitee members, who are elected every year by the property owners. For more information, refer to the GVCA Committees.

* Ohio Code now refers to Trustees as “Directors”.

(Revised 3/25/2025)