Please Stop by the Clubhouse on Thursday, October 19 anytime from Noon to 8 pm and help us decorate for the Haunted Clubhouse Halloween Party.
During the party we lead the kids, a few at a time, on a haunted tour of the upper balcony of the Community Room, collecting candy from spooky greenwood residents as they go.
Downstairs we will have tables for the wonderful pot luck treats everyone will bring.
Whether you have a spooky creative flair or not, we would love your ideas and your help decorating the balcony, as well as the rest of the room. (If we have enough help, maybe we will add a downstairs maze this year!)
Bring your own decorations (be sure to write your name on them), or help us set up ours.
Just having someone come early to install batteries in the many decorations would be a big help!
Once it gets dark we can do a final check on the lighting effects.
Rough Schedule
12 – 2 pm: Install Batteries.
2 – 6 pm: Decorate (Set up candy stations, spin spider webs, etc. If you are giving out candy, this is a good time to set up your spot!)
6 – 8 pm: Final Decorations, Lighting Set Up and Test, Practice Tour.
See you Thursday! And don’t forget, the party is Friday!