Placing ads for the website and newsletter.
- All ads posted through the website will be approved by the GVCA office before they are displayed on the site.
- Ads can be submitted anytime and will be displayed for 3 months unless removed by the owner before the 3 month deadline.
- Ads include a title of up to 100 characters and a description of up to 750 characters. The ad title and first 45 words of the description are excerpted for display in the classified listings on the webpage and in the newsletter. Consequently, the ad should be worded so that contact and important information are included in the title and the first 45 words of the description.
- Website ads can include up to 4 photographs. The maximum image size for each image is 1 megabyte.
- Ads submitted before the monthly newsletter deadline will be included in that version of the newsletter. Ads submitted after that will be included in the next newsletter.
How to place an ad (you will be prompted by the through out the process):
- Click on Place an Ad
- Select a category by clicking on the arrow to the right of the box and clicking on the appropriate category from the drop down menu.
- Click on Continue
- Add Details and Contact Information. A form will appear asking for information. Astericks indicate required information.
- Read Terms of Service and click box
- Enter the value of the sum in the box (this eliminates automated responses).
- Click on Continue
- Add images. Upload images by clicking on browse and selecting the image file from your computer.
- Click on Upload Images if you are using images. If not click on Place Ad without Images.
- You will be advised that your ad has been submitted. The ad will be posted when it has been approved by the GVCA office. You will be notified by email when it has been posted.
How to edit or delete an ad:
- Click on Edit Ad
- The form will request your email address and access key. If you do not have your key click on the link below the box to have it sent to your email.
- Click continue
- You may delete the ad by clicking the delete button.
- You may edit the ad by changing any of the information displayed in the form.
- Click on Continue
- You will be prompted to change or upload images if desired.
- Click Finish.
Placing ads for the newsletter only
- Fax no more than two lines to the attention of Diane at 330-467-9374
- Deadlines for submittal of ads for the following month are posted on the calendar on the right sidebar and on the event calendar.
- Ads are posted for 3 months. Ads may be removed sooner by notifying the office.