Happy Groundhog Day, looks like 6 more weeks of winter!  The February newsletter is posted, with a list of all the events for the year, including the Greenwood’s Mardi Gras party on Friday, the 17th.  The caterer needs an estimate of how many people are attending by Friday, February 10th.  Please let us know you… Read more »

Attention anyone who did not mail or deliver their GVCA payment by January 30: The payment is past due and a $30 late fee was added January 16, and a $35 late fee was added February 1. If there was no prior 2022 balance, the amount now owed is $312. New bills are sent to… Read more »

The Greenwood Village Clubhouse re-opened Tuesday, 1/24/23. The replacement of the main power panel on Monday was successful, providing access to power needed for future improvements. – GVCA Management

Start your Mardi Gras Celebration at Greenwood on Friday, February 17, 2023, at 6 pm in the Clubhouse Community Room!  We’ll have Beads and Masks,Shrimp and Sausage Gumbo, Cajun Chicken Pasta,Red Beans and Rice, bread pudding and more…Sweet Tea and Coffee, all for only $18.We’ll also have Wine, Beer, or a Hurricane for only $4… Read more »

Happy New Year, the January newsletter is posted, with a list of all the events for the year, including the sign-up form for Greenwood’s Mardi Gras party. Don’t forget your semi-annual assessment of $247 was due January 1. Thank you to all the people who already paid. If you have not yet sent in your… Read more »

Relax at The Village Club indoor heated pool and enjoy your favorite holiday movies starting at 1 pm each day, December 26-29. Bring your favorite family-friendly movie DVD with you to the pool and we can play it for you. Residents must accompany their guests.

The GVCA semi-annual bill of $247, due Jan 1, has been mailed. If not received by Dec 1, please contact the GVCA Office. Enclosed with the bill is December’s Newsletter. Remember, you can buy 1 year or 5 year guest passes with your payment, check the guest pass expiration dates listed on your bill. The… Read more »

Friday, December 2, 2022 at 7:00 pm join your Greenwood Neighbors & Friends for an Evening ofMusic, Dancing, an Open Bar, Hors d’Oeuvres, & Desserts. RSVP: Please drop off this form and your payment at the GVCA Office in the Greenwood Village Clubhouse. Your name tag will be held for you at the door. Cost… Read more »

Voting at the Greenwood Clubhouse is on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, from 6:30 am – 7:30 pm. While at the Clubhouse, drop off your Holiday Cocktail Party Sign-up Form. There is curbside voting in front of the Clubhouse that day, call 330-467-1593 when you arrive.