We have sold out of flower baskets! If you missed out, remember to order early next year. Thank you to everyone who placed an order for helping to make Greenwood more beautiful. We will be delivering the flower baskets to the address on your form the week of May 6.

The “Nearby Attactions” page, found on the “Info & Hours” dropdown menu, has been updated with new links. In March don’t miss all the Maple Syrup Festivals. And what better way to taste maple syrup but with a heartly Pancake Breakfast? Here is a good link for March Maple Madness Tour, which is March 2-3… Read more »

On Saturday, March 23 will be the fourth annual Easter Egg Hunt and Roll. The Egg Hunt sign-up form is on the third page of the March Newsletter. Also inside the March Newsletter are sign-up forms for the Flower Basket Sale, the Trout Derby, and the Cinco de Mayo Party.

The Board of Zoning Appeals of Sagamore Hills Township will hold a Public Hearing atSagamore Hills Township, 11551 Valley View Road, Sagamore Hills, Ohio 44067, onWednesday February 21, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. for the following: PURPOSE OF THE MEETINGNew Aurora Health (hereinafter “New Aurora”) is appealing the Zoning Inspector’s January 12,2024, denial of a Certificate… Read more »

We had great turnouts for our past Mardi Gras Parties, check out the pictures below and don’t forget to sign-up for 2024’s Mardi Gras Party!

Looking to Warm-up your Winter?Kick-off your Mardi Gras Celebration at Greenwood on Friday, February 9, 2024,at 6 pm in the Club House Community RoomWe’ll have Beads, Masks, and Games,Shrimp and Sausage Gumbo, Cajun Chicken Pasta, Red Beans and Rice,Bread Pudding, Sweet Tea, and Coffee, all for just $18!We’ll also have Wine, Beer, or a Hurricane… Read more »